
Learn In ABCDs – January 8, 2021

We’re Hiring, Metis + Learn In Partnership, Gartner’s Five Workforce Trends for 2021, 480 hours to upskill, and MORE!

Happy New Year! We made it through our first work week of 2021 together.

We believe the future of work is for everyone and we’re here to keep you up to speed every two weeks with Learn In’s ABCDs – announcements, blog posts to read, case study for upskilling, and a discussion topic that we want your opinion on.


Blog Posts:

  • “Global EdTech started the last decade with $500m of Venture Capital invested in 2010 and finished 32x higher at $16.1B in 2020, nearly 2x the previous investment record in 2018.” | Article$16.1B of Global EdTech Venture Capital in 2020 – HolonIQ
  • “Design roles to assume ongoing reinvention and include excess capacity earmarked for it. Cultivate worker passions to solve unseen and future problems. Reward workers who identify critical gaps and reinvent themselves to fill them. New vendors such as Learn In can help provide time, not just money, allowing workers to engage in lifelong learning while limiting the typical opportunity costs.”
    ArticleFive workforce trends to watch in 2021 – Deloitte
  • “For those who are attempting to learn a new skill, remember your brain is your instrument, which means taking care of it is going to be vital for success.”
    Article4 Tips for Faster Learning – Blair Fairman Writer @ Learn In

Case Study for Upskilling:

  • Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company is committing $160 million over five years towards a new reskilling and upskilling program called Future of Work. The company has also incorporated increased bonus incentive targets and is piloting a Summer Fridays program. “We must attract, develop, and retain the best and brightest,” says Nationwide CEO Kirt Walker.

Discussion Topic of the Week:

  • “Did you know, it takes 480 hours to upskill, but the average time given to employees to upskill is 24 mins a week? At that rate, it will take 24 years for an employee to upskill. Can you afford to wait for new skills until 2045?” – David Blake
What are you going to learn today?

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